Trendsetters Showcase at IBMR


A sustainability-themed ramp walk was organized in Trendsetters Showcase at IBMR
An event with an “Eco-Stride: Walking towards a Sustainable Future” theme. The event aimed to raise awareness about sustainable development and promote eco-friendly practices among students.
Participants were dressed in outfits made from recycled materials or inspired by solar, wind, and Hydro energy the participants ensured creative use of waste materials in outfits and accessories.
Our students ‘ innovatively designed outfits represented the impact of climate change and promoted awareness about carbon footprint reduction. The showcasing of eco-friendly lifestyle choices, such as minimalism, zero-waste, and sustainable fashion was portrayed beautifully.
The students were awarded for their Creativity and originality, the weightage was imparted to theme representation and understanding of using of eco-friendly material, Overall presentation, and confidence. The ramp walk was followed by a talent hunt competition where the participants came forward showcasing their talents in the form of singing, poetry, stand-up comedy, and dance. The event radiated with the enthusiasm of students.